W&ET Team - General Information

W&ET Team is a research and consulting firm, which started its activity in 1990. Core staff consists of 4 scientists. The firm has also 6 external collaborators and several closely co-operating firms specialised e.g. in analytical chemistry or design and construction of treatment plants. The staff has a strong research background. The firm is active in research and consulting in the fields of drinking water treatment technology, drinking water reservoirs, chemical wastewater treatment and soil and aquatic chemistry.

The speciality of the firm is technological auditing of water treatment plants and research and consultancy in drinking water treatment plants upgrading with respect to both, drinking water quality and treatment plant capacity, of either existing plants or newly designed plants.

Principal Activities:

  • Drinking water treatment technology
  • Drinking water reservoirs management
  • Chemical wastewater treatment
  • Soil and aquatic chemistry, especially chemistry of humic substances and pesticides
  • Organising of scientific conferences on water treatment

Services Provided:

  • Research in the fields of principal activities of the firm
  • Technological studies and pre-design for building new waterworks and reconstruction of existing plants
  • Technological auditing and upgrading or rehabilitation of water treatment plants
  • Studies of water supply system consisting of watershed, reservoir and treatment plant

Typical Research and Consulting Projects:

  • Selection of the most suitable coagulant at about 22 treatment plants (the biggest with a capacity 2000 l/s)
  • Research and development of the treatment strategy for several drinking water treatment plants treating humic water from acidified reservoir
  • Cryptosporidium and Giardia occurrence and removal in drinking water treatment
  • Research and development of methods improving treatment plant efficiency during cold water seasons
  • Technological design of reconstruction of 800 l/s treatment plant Mezibori – basic treatment steps: lime/CO2 hardening, coagulant homogenisation, flocculation and rapid filtration
  • DAF and filtration pilot plant experiments (technological pre-design)
  • High efficiency removal of phosphorus from storm waters entering Everglades National Park, Florida
  • Use of Fenton reagent in flotation treatment of lowland water reservoir in Essex, UK.

International Experience

The staff of the "W&ET Team" published numerous papers in international scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. The director (56) is listed in American Who is Who in Science and Engineering. He gave in his professional career about 70 lectures at international conferences or during his visits to Australia, Canada, Germany, Belgium, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Poland, France, Spain, Italy, Austria, Holland, Switzerland, UK, USA and Denmark. He was Jury Chairman of the 20 000 USD Chemviron Carbon Award for the best contribution to physico-chemical treatment of waters. The Director is also a member of The New York Academy of Sciences, IWA, AWWA, AWWARF - Emerging Technologies Panel, IHSS, GWP, scientific committees of five international conferences, Co-Chairman of IWA Specialist Group on "Reservoirs Protection, Management and Water Treatment". The director was also elected the first President of the Czechoslovak Association of Water Treatment Experts in 1991, and serves in this position up to now.


Petr Dolejš, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. (Founder and director)



W&ET Team
doc. Ing. Petr Dolejš, CSc.

Telefon: +420 603 440 922
E-mail: petr.dolejs(a)wet-team.cz

Písecká 2
370 11 České Budějovice