doc. Ing. Petr Dolejš, CSc.

Petr Dolejš                (OK1HBT)


Majitel firmy W&ET Team. Je uveden v americkém Who is Who in Science and Engineering, je členem The New York Academy of Sciences, panelu Emerging Technologies, Výzkumné nadace Americké vodárenské asociace (AWWARF). Je členem a zastává funkce v mezinárodních odborných asociacích - AWWA, IWA, GWP a IHSS. Přednáší na FCh VUT Brno. Soudní znalec v oboru vodní hospodářství, kvalita vody.


1970 - 1975 inženýrské studium na VŠCHT v Praze, Katedra technolgie vody a prostředí
1975 - 1979 postgraduální kandidátské studium na VŠCHT v Praze, Katedra technolgie vody a prostředí

Členství v mezinárodních komisích a asociacích

  • International Scientific Committee of the conference series Chemistry for Protection of the Environment (1983-1991)

  • International Scientific Committee of Gothenburg Symposia on Chemical Treatment (from 1991)

  • Scientific Commitee of IAWQ-IWSA-IOA Conference Minimising the Risk from Cryptosporidium and other Waterborne Particles (Paris, April 1999)

  • Scientific Committee of IUVA - 2nd International Congress on Ultraviolet Technologies, (Vienna, 9-11 July 2003)

  • Global Water Partnership (1998 – 2008) Czech representative to the GWP Central and Eastern Europe Council

  • IWA (International Water Association, formerly IAWQ – from 1985)

  • IHSS (International Humic Substances Society), nomination committee member in 1990 and 1992 elections

  • IUPAC (Intl. Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry)

    • Water Chemistry Commission Member (1990-1994)

  •  Division of Environmental Chemistry, American Chemical Soc. (1990-1997)

  • AWWA (American Water Works Association), member (from 1992)

  • AWWA Research Foundation, Emerging Technologies group member (from 1992)

  • Scientific Committee of the IAWQ-IWSA Workshop on Optimal Dosing of Coagulants and Floccualnts (1992)

  • Listed in Who's Who in Science and Engineering, Marquis, Providence, NJ, (from 1993)

  • Member, Secretary and Chairman of Chemviron Carbon Award Committee (1994-1998)

  • Member "New York Academy of Sciences" (from 1995)

  • Vice-Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality, České Budějovice (1987)

  • Chairman, Organising Committee; Co-Chariman, Scientific Committee of IAWQ-IWSA Joint Specialist Conference Reservoir Management and Water Supply - an Integrated System, Prague (1997)


W&ET Team
doc. Ing. Petr Dolejš, CSc.

Telefon: +420 603 440 922
E-mail: petr.dolejs(a)

Písecká 2
370 11 České Budějovice